How To Disrupt And Innovate Right Now

Today I want to channel my inner Seth Godin.

(Short posts that generate reflection and inspire action.)  

I want to challenge you to disrupt and or to innovate right now. Wherever you are, in whatever role you serve in your business and in whatever project you are working on as you’re reading this.  

Disruption is not a strategy. It’s is about simplification. Look at your business. Are there any parts of your customers experience that you can simplify or streamline? Is the value you offer simple by design so that your customers know exactly the pain you solve? Can anyone (I mean anyone) understand your pitch? Where can you attack a problem non-conventionally or even contrarily so that your business stands out against your competitors a little more?

Innovation is about efficiency. What can you do that will save your business time, money, emotional energy or even just keep your audience engaged. Innovation happens when you can generate ideas quickly, then test and experiment ideas and finally decide what’s important to your business. Where can you add value without adding costs?

Disruption and innovation don’t have to always happen on a large scale. It’s also not only for technology companies our of Silicon Valley. I challenge you to look at your systems and try to find small changes you can make today that will push you business forward, in whatever way you measure your progress.